US approves $1.1 billion arms sale to Taiwan, angering China

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The United States agrees to sell weapons worth This is a standard playSLOTXOmode. provide high security have a certificate from abroad You will place bets with Slot games on the web straight That doesn't go through an agent, has tools and security systems to detect cheating. along with making the system not to be hacked easily as well Get special service On many modern systems, huc99 thai stands in one of the Asian zones. US$1.1 billion (40 billion baht) to Taiwan. causing outrage from the Chinese government side

The proposed deal includes a radar system to track incoming attacks. and anti-ship and anti-air missiles.

The deal comes after US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi. has become a high-ranking US official The first person to visit Taipei in 25 years last month.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington urged the United States to revoke the agreement or may face "Retaliation Measures"

Liu Pengyu, spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Washington, said the agreement "Extremely dangerous" to Washington-Beijing relations

"China will take the legal and necessary countermeasures seriously, taking into account the development of the situation," he added.

Beijing views the self-governing island as part of its territory and insists it should be unified with the mainland. by force if necessary

Authorities began mass military exercises across Taiwan last month. After the visit of the US delegation

US arms sales approval The deal was passed yesterday (Sept. 2), but still needs to be voted on by the US Congress. supporting Taiwan

The package includes a $655 million radar warning system and 60 $355 million Harpoon anti-ship missiles and surface objects that can sink ships.

There is also a short-range heat-tracking air-to-air missile, or Sidewinder, that can be used in air missions and air strikes for $85.6 million, according to the Defense Security Cooperation. Agency: DSCA) of the Pentagon

US State Department spokesperson said the agreement "Necessary for Taiwan's security" and called on Beijing “End military, diplomatic and economic pressure on Taiwan. and participate in important negotiations instead.”

“These arms trade deals are typical in support of Taiwan's ongoing efforts to modernize its armed forces and maintain reliable defensive capabilities,” the spokesman said.

last month The Pentagon has formed a task force to help improve US arms sales. to foreign partners Wall Street Journal reported last Friday.

U.S. lawmakers say Taiwan's orders several years ago have not been fulfilled. Among the pending numbers were Harpoon and Stinger missiles, which were instead sent to Ukraine, Defense News reported.

In another move likely to annoy Beijing Biden's administration said it would maintain tariffs on billions of dollars worth of Chinese imports. which has been in force during the Trump administration.
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