Australia finds 93-million-year-old giant crocodile fossil with dinosaurs in its stomach

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Researchers have found fossils of 93 million-year-old dinosaurSLOTXOpredator crocodiles that left the dinosaurs in their stomachs before they died. Big Bertha – Big Bertha is the slot term for really big slot machines. Often used to attract attention in casinos, these slot machines are much larger than traditional slot machines and usually have multiple reels.

On February 18, 2022, Science Alert reports that about 95 million years ago in Australia, The ancestors of crocodiles used their powerful jaws to nibble on the tiny body of a dinosaur and swallow it almost completely. The crocodile died shortly thereafter. and when it becomes a fossil Dinosaurs were partially digested and were almost completely intact in their stomachs.

A very young ornitopod dinosaur. Most of them were bipedal herbivores. These bones belonged to them that were found in this part of the continent.

Recently, scientists have discovered the remains of an ancient predatory crocodile. including its well-preserved last meal in the Great Australian Super Basin, a site dating back to the Cretaceous (approximately 145.5 million to 65.5 million years ago).

Although the crocodile fossil has no tail most of the hind legs and pelvis But the skull and many bones from other parts of the body remained intact. Researchers reported that it was more than 8 feet, or about 2.5 meters, when it died, but would likely grow even more if it were alive.

they call it "Confractosuchus sauroktonos", which resembles a dinosaur that was swallowed by a giant crocodile almost completely. But that's because there is so much information about fossils.

with a difficult name Discovery of new genus and species It is also translated from a combination of Latin and Greek words meaning "Crocodile Killer, Decayed Dinosaurs"

“Dinosaur killer” comes from what is in the intestines of fossils, while “erosion” refers to the sedimentary rock mass that surrounds the fossil. It was shattered during excavations in 2010 and revealed smaller bones inside the crocodile's belly, according to a statement from the Australian Museum of Dinosaurs. in Winton queensland

Crocodiles first coexisted with dinosaurs during the Triassic period (251.9 million to 201.3 million years ago), and earlier evidence suggests they found some dinosaurs tasty.

Tooth marks on dinosaur bone fossils including teeth embedded in the bone It implies that some crocodiles ate dinosaurs. Whether hunting or eliminating the remains

But paleontologists rarely find evidence of the gut preserved in crocodiles. This may be because their digestion contains strong corrosive acids. Just like today's crocodiles

The new discovery is the first evidence that dinosaurs were skinned by giant Cretaceous crocodiles. Scientists report Feb. 10 in the journal Gondwana Research.

Because the bones of the tiny dinosaurs were too fragile to dig out of the rock around them, scientists used X-ray and CT scanning technologies to find bones within crocodile samples. Combined with 10 months of computer processing to reconstruct the 3D bone, they calculated that the ornithopod weighed nearly 4 pounds (1.7 kg).
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