Research on e-marketing

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Due to the development of the world and the development of its ways of life, there has become what is known as internet marketing, and in the past they relied on promoting the commodity and marketing it on the ground face to face, but today they promote the commodity and market via the Internet around the whole world and not only on a specific environment, and network marketing has become The Internet is a kind of new method in the world of marketing and selling, there are several sites interested in promoting and marketing goods and products, via the Internet, digital devices and mobile phones without the need for papers, and the methods of marketing success depend on the experience of the marketing employee, the specific financial budget, and the marketing methods used.

E-marketing opportunities and challenges
The development that turned the world with its technology and made the world with its development a very small village, has created opportunities and challenges for marketing employees, the most important of which are: saving time and effort for many marketing employees and customers.

Reducing the obstacles placed in front of the two parties, the seller and the buyer, whereby a person buys his commodity with the specifications he wants without traveling or leaving his work. Take more time talking to the client, and delegate them. Use and interest in technology. Providing many job opportunities for labor, and it also contributes to creating jobs for educated people with special needs. Providing added value on the commodities. Eliminate the role of the traditional marketing employee who suffers a lot from people's refusal to deal with him.

Advantages of e-marketing
Everything new is characterized as a double-edged sword, it has advantages and disadvantages, and its advantages and disadvantages are summarized in: The interaction remains continuous and open at any time.

Win the trust of customers, and get a large number of them. Make a profit with a high ceiling. Legal conditions for the ease of buying and selling on electronic marketing sites. Customer information and accounts are protected, and customers have the right to access their information, to amend and delete it.

Ease of obtaining the commodity you want to buy over the Internet, bypassing time and place. Marketing the commodity is open to all companies, regardless of whether their income is large, medium or small. Low cost electronic marketing mechanisms and methods. The ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their marketing operations.

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